Fridays class began with Mr.Max giving us Mental Max questions. Because this was our last entry we handed them in, with one catch. We got to make two of our worst ones well disappear..yay I was quite excited even though I didn't quite understand at first, but Mr.Max explained it all in the end. So if you weren't there in class be sure to hand in your Mental Math Sheet asap so that your marks can be in before report cards come out!!

Once we handed in our Mental Math sheets, Mr.Max talked about a test?? Yes, a test. Mr.Max gave us a weeks notice that our vectors test will be this Friday, March 16th. This may be a hint..just maybe, that if you aren't understand vectors completely to ask for help or get help. Mr.Max has said over and over that if you are struggling that you can come in the mornings at 8:00am or after school to get help...just make sure you tell him you are going to be coming!! The test will have similar format as our other test. Some of the question may look like the exercises we are doing in class or may come from an old provincial exam, make sure to look at the marking guide. To finish off the end our class Mr.Max assigned the rest of B6,Exercise 3 which includes 4,6,7,8,and 9! If you find that you are done those five questions you can also get ahead and try Exercise 4.
Make sure you do your homework incase of a homework check because you don't want to be wishing in June that you did your homework from the beginning of the semister!!
To sum up, here is what you should remeber to get ready for and do as homework:
-Vectors Test on Friday, March 16!
- Exercise 3,Questions 4,6,7,8 and 9! <(Due Monday, March 12)>
Reminder: If you would like Euklid on your computer at home, let Mr.Max know and he can send you a link to your email for you to use it at home!!
Thats all from me, hope everyone enjoyed their some what warm weekend, and did there homework!!